Thursday, May 18, 2017

Earth Under Water | Documentary

The Rockhouse couldn't be bothered with the Stupids since you can see the icecaps have been melting for quite some time.  They hope it will stop like the California drought but good chance climate change caused the California drought.

The biggest questions are just how much water will the icecaps release and how high will the oceans rise.  In this exposition, the rise is calculated to be 230' above current sea level due to the almost unimaginable volume of the ice caps.

That's not as catastrophic as it sounds but it sucks for Boston / NYC since they won't be competing in the World Series anymore since, well, they won't be in the world.  Kiss off the S.F. Giants as well.

Ed:  the Cincinnati Bengals could finally win the Super Bowl!

Well, no; they just won't get thumped by the 49'ers anymore.

Ed:  the Redskins will also be out

Yep, they will be learning to swim and ain't that a weeper.  Real Indians knew how to do it.

It's the solution the Rockhouse has perennially recommended for Washington anyway:  push it underwater and wait for the bubbles to stop coming up.

Colorado, the Ganja Capital of America, could well emerge as the leader of America since Chicago pretends but it's just a war zone with all the guns.  If they keep up all that shooting, there won't even be a Second City anymore.

In the deep history, Texas and much of central U.S. were underwater so the Rockhouse has one tiny question of where did they get the water.  When we see melting the ice caps is not enough, the Rockhouse assumes there must have been some concomitant geological event.

Ed:  the interested student is invited to ... ?

Roger that

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