Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Relationship of Sunscreens to Vitamin D Deficiency - Science

We're going full osteopath with this one since there isn't any direct relationship between sunscreens and Vitamin D deficiency except insofar as people are often Vitamin D deficient and people also often use sunscreens.  I love the title, tho.  (Science Daily:  Widespread vitamin D deficiency likely due to sunscreen use, increase of chronic diseases)

Increasing and maintaining healthy vitamin D levels can be as easy as spending 5-30 minutes in midday sun twice per week. The appropriate time depends on a person's geographic location and skin pigmentation -- lighter skin synthesizes more vitamin D than darker skin. It is important to forgo sunscreen during these sessions because SPF 15 or greater decreases vitamin D3 production by 99 percent.

- SD

Thanks for that utterly useless advice since 5-30 minutes under the noonday Sun in Texas will turn your skin to the texture of a desert scorpion in a week.  However, we do love bullshit causal relationships so we want to play too.

Widespread Vitamin D deficiency likely due to energy drinks

Due to the wholesale migration away from milk drinking to the consumption of empty energy drinks, there has been a substantive decline in the health of many Americans.

That's probably true but it's not mentioned in the article.

Vitamin D deficiency in America likely due to fast food restaurants

Seven percent of Americans eat daily at McDonald's where one can get the beef from the cow but one doesn't get the milk and therefore the consequence is yet another cause of vitamin deficiency since the meat is so processed there's no particular benefit in that either and the only real product from McDonald's is fat.

Americans have moved so far away from the holistic approach to food in which people raise the animals, benefit from all their products, and then finally chow down on the animal.  Now we only go to McDonald's to get the worst part of that experience and, what a surprise, we get sick.

Note:  use of 'holistic' is an inside joke regarding a bank executive who used the term constantly insofar as one needs a holistic approach to things.  It appeared his only practical application for it was to eat everything in the restaurant when he went out ... and I do mean everything.  Dayum, was that boy fat.

Vitamin D deficiency is caused by HBO

Due to the inordinate time people in America spend watching television, there has been a widespread reduction in Vitamin D levels across the population.

Well, you get the point.  We don't see any more science in the article than we could get from Dear Abby but the interested student is invited ...

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