This is the gaping hole where the Galaxy Synth / stand once were. The cables were functional and out of sight which satisfied the only Rockhouse design specifications.
There's no chance this situation is permitted to persist since every moment it asks where the fuck did our friend go. Therefore, consolidate.
The Misc Effects in the middle are out along with two cables and two power supplies. The Intermediate Mixer only has two current inputs and one is to the Bass Effects which doesn't appear in the picture and the other is to the now-defunct Galaxy Synth.
You must be be possessed of some Musiker Geekness to have come this far so take a look at the right side of the Primary Looper for a cable with a blue wrapper. That one goes to the Intermediate Mixer. The singleton for the Bass Effects from the Intermediate Mixer can therefore come here with no loss. Therefore, axe the Intermediate Mixer.
The Guitar Effects are currently plugged into the Primary Mixer because -insert more tech than you want- and that cable can come back from the Primary to plug as the other half of the stereo input to the Primary Looper.
The Vocal Effects unit also goes to the Primary Mixer but I can switch that to the Primary Looper and get the potential for looped vocals which doesn't currently exist.
All of the above should condense to within about a three-foot square and that, in turn, changes the Rockhouse back from being a Mined House of Death. Imagine stepping on any of those floor boxes with a bare foot and I ga-ron-tee it will take a serious chunk out of it since I've done it multiple times.
Ed: the Rockhouse actually becomes safe?
As safe as it's going to get.
Ed: do you think you might get around to cleaning up that skank?
Lighten up, Martha Stewart, since you try getting a vac through that mess and it's not so long since I did. Extend a little and imagine the joy of how skanky it was (i.e. a lot).
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