Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lasko 754200 Ceramic Heater for the Salvation of the Silas

There are two things which suck the worst about getting cold, the first is being old and we can't do anything about that but the second is being cold and we will definitely do something about that.

Herewith, the Lasko 754200 Ceramic Heater and the $23.95 solution from Amazon:

This heater received the standard Po' House Quality Analysis and it ranks highly for functional capability and price.  This was the Numero Uno bday present since I can probably live without "Wind in the Willows" but I will NOT put up with being cold and, for $23.95, I fuckin' won't.  Ha!

There's comedy in this since Lotho and I spoke earlier about a Merc S65 which sells for, oh, ten thousand times more than this and he would like to acquire one although certainly not for list price.  Don't read any ulterior resentfulness in this because it's not there.  Life is funny sometimes.  Although you would probably get a bigger bang out of hearing about the S65, you will have to talk to Lotho about that ... but don't forget who brings you Miss Bumbum, huh?  (Ithaka:  Miss Bumbum Brasil 2015 Loves Her Russian Fans and World Cup 2018)

As to whether Miss Bumbum is a test to discover whether a skin-painted nipple still scares the bejeebers out of Queen Victoria (Mark "Zucky" Zuckerberg), well, yes.  We know he freaks over real nipples and Second Life pixel nipples but we don't know if he freaks for painted nipples.

Ed:  so Zucky is a freak?

Nah, he couldn't dream of being a freak.  He's just a simple-minded dork.  Anyone who is still bent over nipples maybe hundred and fifty years after Victoria croaked is carrying some major head worms.

Note:  they say nipple fear is important because nipples traumatize children or some ridiculous bullshit like that but I have encountered children on Facebook exactly zero times.  There are many adults who never grew up (e.g. Clintonistas) but no children I have ever seen.


Anonymous said...

I would be real careful with little spot heaters like that. They are electric carnosaurs.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, everything down here is electric or I probably wouldn't think of a carnosaur in the first place. Oil is so dirty but it sure is cozy warm.

Anonymous said...

They make a,radiator style heater that is filled with oil. It heats very well and while it runs on electricity is far more efficient. And are only about $40
I used them in my rental house that was rented by the room to eliminate temperature fights between siblings

Anonymous said...

I am not spending 230k on a car.

Anonymous said...

Email me your address Amazon Prime will send you one in two if I order it today

Unknown said...

It's a generous offer but this was my bday splurge and it's a good inexpensive unit. Whoops, I didn't see the first part.

The way I use this one is mostly to run it for a bit and fairly close then turn it off. I don't try to heat the whole room with it. This room is open so anything else will try to heat the whole house. I don't mean to nitpick a generous offer but I'm not so sure it would work.

Unknown said...

I know a big chunk of that $230K drops off as soon as someone drives it home. After a couple of years of seasoning for the vehicle, the price I imagine should come down to a negotiable level. (I don't mean to pry as to what that would be)

I just thought the ten thousand times comparison was kind of cool.

Anonymous said...

The style I talk about will heat a good size room and continue to heat it after you turn it off since the radiator stores so much heat
Let me know

Unknown said...

Thanks and I definitely will. This side of the house is colder than the other, I guess because there's much more glass, and my concern is confusing the thermostat no end.

Anonymous said...

A,simple fan blowing air one side to the other I do that my house

Unknown said...

Lots of experiments have been tried but not so satisfactory because of crazy shape of the house and very little closes off from anything else.

Anonymous said...

I got the insulating/thermal draperies-they block out the sun when you need them to, and cut down on the heat loss and cold. They are a little steep for my budget, but to get around this, I bought the longest length of insulated/block out curtain I could find, attached rod curtain hooks with sharp pins (yea they're 'lil bitches, so gotta be careful). You can get a tension rod and place it inside the window frame and attach the panels to it. That way if you already have a curtain up--it does not detract for it. I just ignored the grommets on the top of the panel-hung it sideways with the pins and took advantage of the 91 inch length.

Here's some thermal insulated blackout panels from Walmart:


Hooks I spoke of-- get at Walmart (about a buck for a bag of say 20) and they are much cheaper but here's what they look like:


Wearing the polar fleece clothing helps too-and it's light weight enough for multiple layers.

The above combination plus the little space heater is what I used as I had no working furnace one winter here in Cincy...so I know of which I speak :)

P.S. Now I know why its called a 3-dog night...little dogs and me wearing layered fleece jammies cuddled up on the sofa keeping warm under polar fleece blankets :)

Anonymous said...

Move sleeping couch to inside wall may help, also put another insulated curtain (longways) in doorway to block heat in. The oil heater mentioned by someone is good-its like a radiator.

Unknown said...

There are heavy curtains in front of the main window already and the room would be a refrigerator without them. Where your idea with the hooks may work out is on the opening into this room. With that in-place, it won't affect the house thermostat if I try to keep this room warm all the time. The thermostat is on this end of the house so making it warmer on this end will make it too hot on that end. If this room can be isolated then that oil heater could be answered to keep it warm all the time.

Being old sucks but being cold is a plague! (larfs)