Monday, January 23, 2017

Fraser's Froideur - I Love This One

Fraser's Froideur really gets me and it's ... it's ... it's making me ... philologically erect.

French.  an attitude of haughty aloofness; cold superiority.

-  Word of the Day

If I had a postage stamp for every time I have been charged with that, I could paper every wall in the Rockhouse, maybe all of Texas.  I love it.

Ed:  is it valid?

Well, yah ... and no.

Ed:  what kind of an answer is that?

Oh, now you get picayune and want a specific kind of answer?

Ed:  from that I see it's valid!

No, it's not valid since you only see what I want you to see, mate.

Ed:  so it's a game?

It's about more picturesque speech and the theme is straight out of "Reader's Digest" from every doctor's office I ever visited and I read it because I didn't want to read about Joe's bladder in one of an ever-so-fascinating series of a I Am Joe's Bits in which it presented Joe's bits one by one.

The other choices were "Field and Stream" or muscle-flexing jocks in "Sports Illustrated" so, yah, I'm going with "Reader's Digest."

Ed:  the blues for when the tablet hasn't been invented yet

Nah, I don't like tugging about a tablet and a phone is so small it's just a nuisance.  There's a tablet right here but I almost always forget to take it to VA ... which probably means I would be just as likely to forget to bring it back.

Ed:  from what I see, your literary drivers were "Johnny Got his Gun" and "Reader's Digest" so please clarify.  (Ithaka:  "Johnny Got his Gun ... Again")

What's to clarify.  You're right and I did.

The above was because that topic scares people due to facing your dark side and you know that theme.  How can you fight it when you don't know what it is.  Personal peace does come from considering it and, yah, this is a bit of a hard sell but this is about as hard as it gets.  Peace.

Ed:  quit dancing.  Are you a prick or what?

Straight-up, no.  People around me even kind of enjoy my company.  One reason is a cat had gone AWOL so there's concern and I ask, Yevette, it's been some while since we have seen him and that went has been going on for some time now.  I was asking Yevette again yesterday if she heard anything and, poof, he turned up at the door.

There was a whole lot of happy flying about since happiness is the elimination of things which suck and losing one of the brothers would massively suck.

Ed:  final answer?


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