Monday, January 23, 2017

Defiance of Delegitimatizing Donald Trump from One Who Would Hang Him

President Trump is the duly elected leader of the country and regardless of how many people railroaded Bernie Sanders and then Donald Trump trounced them by using essentially the same super-delegate process.  No-one screams at the outcome of an event more than those who cheated while losing it and that brings us to present day in which that screaming has not stopped.

The Rockhouse does not support President Trump's policies and advised yesterday I would hang him for his unqualified support for the CIA.  (Ithaka:  The Rockhouse Doesn't Hate Trump Enough to Hang Him)

Note:  I did not hang him because I am a liberal and a human and I will never be just another LINO floor tile (i.e. Liberal In Name Only).

Trump was decently tried yesterday and would have been decently hung but see above about being a human.  I do not forget, however, I would hang the Woman's Movement for the same thing and for the specific crime of the Three C'S:  Clinton, CIA, Corruption.  I see the agenda for the movement now but I saw no resistance whatsoever to those Three C's and therefore do not trust them.

Ed:  you don't trust anyone!

Not at all true as I recognize honesty after years of experience and it's damn rare.

It's impossible to tell what has become of Bernie Sanders since he seems to have shelved his own platform in favor of endorsement of the Affordable Care Act which never brought insurance to the Untouchables in the Rockhouse and the arithmetic to ever bring it here wouldn't even play in a cartoon, particularly in the face of out-of-control military spending.  Now I look to Tulsi Gabbard as the Brave New Hope.

For the ones who pose as Old School Democrats, we have neither hope nor interest insofar as there's almost zero effort toward understanding Trump's policies and, as mentioned yesterday, people have turned the political process into "Dancing with the Stars" making it more abhorrent by the day.

Example:  RT:  Top Dem to propose bill to hamstring Trump in relaxing sanctions on Russia with GOP wingmen

There we have have bare-faced McCarthyism from a Democrat but we have seen little else lately and particularly over the last six to eight months.  There's more lurid opposition to Putin with less legitimate reason than you may ever be unfortunate enough again to see fouling the view of any real political process.  In months of late, democracy has taken such a turn into the tank it's hardly worth following and it only amounts to listening to the sound of the engines to know the plane crash is near.

Thus far, the only thing I have seen successfully delegitimatized has been the Democratic Party and one of the prime absurdities is seeing Michael Moore trying to position himself as leader within the Woman's Movement.  That fool disgraces himself but in the finest Clinton tradition; he does it for the money.

I am an Old School Democrat but there is no other kind and that's the basis for political parties in the first place.  They don't bob and weave over time.  Who knows what midden gave up the Democrat angry bird who wants to start fights with Putin but you damn sure know which one incited this in the first place.

Ed:  what do you know of "Angry Birds?"

Nothing.  I have never seen it and have no time to waste on such things, any more than I have to be insulted by sophistry, slander, and simple innuendo in reporting of the political process.

The White House wants to defend against an obvious assault by MSM and the Rockhouse supports that due to respect for the office rather than what the office may be doing it one tick of the clock or another.  (RT:  White House promises to battle attempts by US media to ‘delegitimize’ Trump)

Yesterday there was another observation of the behavior of MSM in which they buried Gary Webb.  (Ithaka:  Failing to Address the Problem of the CIA Only Means the Abuses Continue)

If MSM handed me so much as a cup of coffee, I would only send it be be analyzed for poison.

Meanwhile, WikiLeaks, one of the most trusted counter-culture sources of information, may be taking up the delegitimatization agenda as well.  (RT:  WikiLeaks calls on hackers to leak President Trump’s tax returns)

That tactical failure will take out the credibility of WikiLeaks just as quickly as it destroys it in any other organization just as we see on multiple fronts.

Russia Today has been charged multiple times with fomenting dissent toward undermining democracy but check out the sources for this article.  Do you see any undermining?

Repeating, I am a lifetime bleeding heart Democrat who votes for all the school levies even when I do not have any children.  That's been my position and it doesn't bob and weave.

Without equanimity and a dispassionate view of reality, what hope is there of ever approaching reason.  When a stoner sees that more clearly than the ravers in the streets, what does that tell you, mates?

Ed:  are you pushing the ganja, Druggie Dawg?

My only push is for truth and there's damn little of it about.

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