Sunday, January 22, 2017

Failing to Address the Problem of the CIA Only Means the Abuses Continue

Like many things, this problem has existed since the Sixties but the CIA problem has grown far worse than it ever was because they're far stronger and they're brazen about it in Washington.  The appalling arrogance from those who claim they serve the country emphasizes their real purpose.

CIA drug trafficking has been widespread for decades and there's even testimony from "Boyz in the Hood" when Laurence Fishburn asked, "We don't have any planes.  We don't have any ships.  How does it get here?"

It's become highly brazen as we saw with the Iran / Contra scandal in which Oliver North was made a hero for being nothing more than a drugs trafficker in uniform.

Add "Air America" for Hollywood's view for the narcotics coming out of Southeast Asia.

It never stops.

Unknown for your view but the appalling indifference to the actions of these traitors goes back even to the Fifties and we have documented previously their abuses.

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