Sunday, December 4, 2016

You Don't Seem to Get It with Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon is a spectacularly beautiful woman and her mind is as much a part of that as her appearance.

Maybe you're thinking, no, no, she's got few wrinkles but you're not recognizing a real woman carrying a few battle stripes and she's holding up one hell of a lot better than I.

Some go ooh, ah for Taylor Swift and that lot but are you seriously telling me she, Miley Cyrus, or any of those skinny little wretches fills you with uncontrollable lust.

Yeah, right (larfs).

See, Taylor Swift has no ass.  A real woman has to have an ass.

Ed:  but you think Kim Kardashian is a skank!

She is a skank (larfs).  She's got a family-size backside and that may be sexy to Dagwood but we see it put him in the hospital (larfs some more).

While plighting my troth via email and blog posts has not typically, well, ever met with any success, perhaps this time will work.  (Ithaka:  Susan Sarandon is Currently Single)

Ed:  you don't like anyone so what is it with Susan Sarandon?

She's a radical and she lives every word of it.  I've always loved and respected that.  It's all the others who are just taking up space (larfs).

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