Saturday, December 10, 2016

How About a Rock Candy Christmas

Kick back and have a good cry with some songs from "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" which was one of the funniest and most bittersweet movies you may ever find.  Dolly Parton kills these songs and others have covered them but these were the originals.

If you don't know why I posted these songs, you really haven't been paying attention, have you.

I have a bit of experience with Rock Candy Christmas and some of you have seen previously where Ithaka goes for a Christmas which is entirely non-commercial.  If Christmas isn't for love then why even show up.  I'll be there.

Sure I'm crying and it's not important here to know why since all of us have our Christmas stories and these ones are for everyone.

Ed:  you must be gay!

Sure.  I'd be great at being gay, all except the sex part.

Note:  stolen from Jeff Jefferies but the rest of that story doesn't belong in this context.


Anonymous said...

And then there's that sweet Dolly heading a benefit for the fire victims!! That's Christmas! ML

Anonymous said...

This one will always make me cry...this version...and it just did! ML

Anonymous said...

I remember watching this! a lifetime ago...but this is the original. Still kills...ML

Unknown said...

That's one of the all-time greatest weepers and it still works every time. She has a heart as big as Tennessee.

Unknown said...

Nobody knows Christmas like Dolly Parton and nobody defends it harder in how she tried to help the people of Gatlinburg