Monday, December 5, 2016

Guest Commentary from Cadillac Man

The year 1968 included a presidential election in which a candidate, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated.  This led to the election of Richard Nixon and the extension of the Vietnam War. The assassination of Martin Luther King caused national race riots and civil unrest. 

As a senior at Walnut Hills the school was shut down constantly for these events along with teacher, worker and student strikes.  As a sophomore in college in 1970 students were fired upon by the Ohio National Guard.  Four students were killed and schools and businesses were shut down.  Ironically, the war became so unpopular that a mandatory draft was instituted forcing many of those students literally or symbolically fired upon to join the military.

The greed that spawned these events continued.  Nixon who promised to end the war with honor became the only U.S. President to resign the office in disgrace.  The Vietnam War ended with no honor and only disgrace.  We the people were presented with the check that above all included the lives lost and ruined for no reason.

The country went into a recession and a federal income surtax was assessed to pay down the debt from the war.  Inflation followed causing gas, mortgage and other essentials to double. Mortgage interest rates rose to exceed 12%.  This meant for many families two incomes were essential to survive. 

There should have been a lesson from this. That didn't happen. 

We are currently involved in wars and conflicts in the Middle East that have spanned most of this decade.  Our involvement is not yet over.  The final check has not yet arrived. The immediate cost has already been painful. We will survive but will we learn? 

The truth is simple.

As the protest song of the Vietnam era said, "War, What is it good for. Absolutely, nothing. Say it again."

Notes:  the Middle East conflicts George Bush the Lesser started have continued for almost two decades now.  That doesn't absolve Obama of anything as he had the choice to be a leader or a chump and he chose chump.

Taxes were never increased to pay down the costs of the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan as they were for Vietnam and the Federal debt is in the stratosphere right now.

The same people who preach about family values are the ones who wrecked those values by forcing the situation in which two incomes were required to buy a home.

Nobody talks about honor anymore.  In Washington, it doesn't mean anything.


Anonymous said...

Why does it always require tax increases rather than spending cuts?
Never quite understood the logic that the government can only increase taxes but never decrease spending.
Two income families were generated by families want everything now. The family fell apart trying to make more money to buy stuff they didnt need.

Unknown said...

Because they never cut spending. I've never seen it happen and there's no realistic expectation it will any time soon. I've heard this one many times but I'm running out of lifetime to see a real-life example.

Anonymous said...

That doesnt mean it isnt the correct answer.
It just means politicians are too busy lining pockets than fixing the underlying issues

Anonymous said...

You are right because they have never done it before why ask them to change.
Let the vets and the Sioux they cant expect to be successful as they have been in the past

Unknown said...

It's not about whether I'm right or you are but rather what will really get it done. Yevette and I were talking about Trump just now and said we both know the faces of little babies we want to enjoy the sunshine but I really don't see anyone bringing it.

The vets from Standing Rock have gone to Flint, MI, so there's now a roaming band of vigilantes. The fact I liked what they did in Standing Rock doesn't obviate the fact they're vigilantes. The greed of the rich is causing an increasingly dangerous situation. You know the final outcome so we need much better thinking than is now in play to prevent it since the only real prevention is giving people a reason not to do it. Right now it doesn't exist.