Friday, July 15, 2016

Sixty Percent of America is Fed-Up with Election Coverage

That only three in five are fed-up with the election sounds like a soft estimate since we're sure Trump and / or Clinton have alienated just about everyone in the country except for a cadre of fruitcakes with seriously empty lives plus another cadre of second-rate journos who will say anything so long as the beatings stop.  (RT:  3 in 5 Americans already ‘worn out’ by election coverage)

No matter how much patriotic noise they blather before the election, this is always the President which comes out of it:

We're quite sure Mr. Potato Head will be remembered for far longer than any President from the last fifty years and not because he had a large whang.  To our knowledge, Mr. Potato Head has no whang at all but the interested student may wish to confer with Clinton and / or Trump since they're the Presidential whang experts.

Those two may actually accomplish the impossible and will make Taylor Swift's tawdry life and maudlin concerns seem interesting.

Oh, and thanks to all those who said 'there is nothing which could possibly be more boring than this election' so now we give you Pokemon Go.  We don't know what it does; we don't care.  At least no-one tells us even Toby the Dog will go to Hell unless we play it.

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