Friday, July 15, 2016

Carlsbad Cavern and Short Video Tour

Carlsbad Cavern is emerging as a High Value Target since it's close, costs peanuts, is relatively easy, and looks ridiculously cool.

Note:  there's a premium for geezers in the National Parks since, I believe, a ten-dollar pass is good for life anywhere in the country.  They can afford it because we're low-maintenance and the bears eat the slow ones.

(Ed:  there are bears in Carlsbad Cavern?)

Sure, and sharks too.  Be ever vigilant.  When it's dark, the ice bears come.

(Ed:  ice bears?)

That's what Germans call polar bears and, short of a new Ice Age, you probably won't see many in the Cavern.

Kannafoot has confirmed no electronics of any kind are permitted when the bats fly (i.e. morning and early evening) and it would be grossly-dishonorable to try to cheat on that.  Going there would be strictly for the experience but, judging by Kannafoot's testimony, it's worth it.

It's not clear if electronics are permitted for recording anything inside the Cavern and fair enough if not since that means I don't have to carry kit I really didn't want to carry anyway.  However, if it's ok with park rangers to film it, the cams are fairly good with low light situations so it should be possible to show you some swell stuff ... assuming I'm not eaten by blind cave worms.

For distance, Carlsbad is about four hundred and thirty miles from Fort Worth.  We consulted with the General staff when we could tear them away from planning panty raids and they advised this looks like Day One is travel time.  Day Two is wander about the Cavern time plus maybe Day Three for more.  Call it Day Four to return if we assume Roswell or White Sands don't start calling to see them as well.

For the rough as a lunar crater estimate, we allocate a minimum of three hundred smackers for four nights plus chow and that's based on seventy-five per day but not counting fuel to get there.  For two on the road in America, that's likely way too low for any area which has high tourist interest.

Euros will likely say just camp out and save the money ... but Euros don't have rattlesnakes ... or scorpions.  New Mexico does ... lots of them.

Note:  crashing in the car is not an option in this heat at 99F or better for daytime temperature on most days.

The tactical is leaping to high interest since we're well past, except for dollars, whether it's possible.

There is beautiful country down here and I've seen it before since I lived in El Paso and Albuquerque in the seventies.  The drive is worth it for seeing some striking countryside but this isn't Loretta Lynn country, this is a whole different alien world with saguaro cactus looking like bizarre alien presences and who knows what off in the hills.

The drive also has ganja goodness since there's no damn TSA strip search and ritual ass kissing to go driving.  If we get pulled over, the answer is easy, "You know, officer.  I saw some kids in that red Camaro up there and I think it looked like they were smoking some of that there whacky tobacky."

Poof ... he's gone.

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