Friday, July 1, 2016

A Bit of the Political Regarding the Democrat Platform

The short read is there is no Democratic Party Platform because there's no Democratic Party anymore.

The platform is pleased to now include a $15-per-hour minimum wage and to oppose the rotten trade deals.  It also includes the fake 'public health option' which is just a sop and will never happen.

There is no apparent mention of the following:

  • NDAA and the gross violations of civil liberties inherent in it
  • Patriot Act for yet more Federal invasiveness in our lives
  • Tax rates still favor the rich since there's no effort to remedy the problem

Obama either did nothing about any of those problems or made them worse.  In short, these people don't even dream of being Democrats and there hasn't been a real one since before Bill Clinton.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to auger himself into a large smoking hole in the ground.  The election 2016 has become Bowling for Dollars and there are no contestants interesting enough to make it worth rooting for them.

Down here on the ground, nothing they have said will make any effect whatsoever.  It's like the Catholic sex instruction video in the next article since it can tell you all kinds of things but it doesn't make them true.

If you don't believe that, what good thing came to your life from the Obama administration?

(Ed:  fuckin' nothin' except a lot of oil refinery explosions)

I rest my case.

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