The pattern has been sudden activity in which the blog will get hundreds and hundreds of hits, all within seconds. Then it will stop and, after some time, it will happen again. Clearly, this is a CIA DoS attack which attempts to crash the server to take down free speech wherever they possibly can.
There ain't no love from the CIA but, wtf, they don't even love their own mothers ...
(Ed: probably don't trust them either!)
That's what you get from bottle feeding, huh?
Unknown why breast-feeding is such a terror in America as there are periodic outrages on social networks but they don't represent much beyond the unwashed masses.
With six kids, my ol' Mother hoisted out a boob to feed the little rotters whenever it was necessary. There was no lesson or any word to say, it was just part of life. Maybe I saw more of that because I'm the eldest but there's some irony since I'm the only one with no kids (larfs).
When we look for leadership, we look to someone we can trust: a dog.
Her name is Joy so don't be saying Ithaka Blog never brings any joy into your life. It's Facebook which sucks it all back out again (larfs).
There's plenty of joy here, other than some violent coughing, and there's no lament for the blog since activity since it's about what it would minus Clintonistas. The actual hit count can go two or three times that many and hit a thousand or fifteen hundred in a day. Those are the CIA DoS attacks.
(Ed: are you serious?)
Um, Dagwood, have you ever seen a security alert anywhere which was worth taking seriously?