Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Words for the Day

CONGLOBADATION - scaring people so much they roll up into little balls like pill bugs (i.e. doodle bugs down South).

MYOPIAZATION - bringing people to a single narrow focus such that all others are ignored. Practiced frequently by Presidential politicians.

CRUZIFIXION - when you screw yourself with your own nitwit ideas.

WHOPPAGANDA - when Trump gets a propaganda guy to say there is no propaganda in Trump.

PATRONIZOBULLSHITTEROTOMY - material such as that from self-absorbed neo-femmes which is so myopic and annoying as to rip out the part of your brain which prevents your toes from itching.

AUSTERITY PROGRAM - another term for anal sex.

HOMOSAPIFICATION - the process of trying to turn fundamentalists into thinking, caring, and loving human beings.

TRANSMOOGRIFICATION - process of altering the performance of classical music with a monotimbral Moog voice.

SUPERSTUPILIOUS - when SUPERCILIOUS just isn't enough.

NEWMANIC - the characterization of Alfred E. Newman and What, Me Worry as exemplified by many on social networks in people known as NEWMANIACs.

PALINDRUM - something which sounds the same no matter what you do with it.  PALINDRUMs frequently consort with the TEABILLY species (see below).

TEABILLY - someone who has tried to catch a catfish with his penis and made a video of the act.

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