Monday, December 14, 2015

The Updated Sanctuary Song

Hypothetical non-looper intro
Light keys without drums or other instruments
The driver hears while driving out of town
He sees the road and things in air start going crazy

Update:  that part is now developed and is part of the overall song.  It's a duo trumpet voice which recalls the riff from Gabriel's Horn and it brings it down to F for the first phrase.

The monk on the porch beckoning to enter
Still needed because that gives the transport - easy scene to shoot - do this!
Driver sees the monk from the car
the beckoning summons him inside
Dissolve to inside the Rockhouse

Update:  the waving monk scene has been filmed and has been merged into the video

then ...

Instrumental intro with full instruments via looper phrase 2
Note:  gives time to wake up the iPad for the lyrics

Update:  this works well because there's a sustained F minor from the last of my play on the synth and the first chord for the phrase grows out of that.

Gnawing fears crawl out there
fears consume them everywhere
One moment they are here
and the next they disappear

We won't bring that inside
It's not that we would hide
but here we will have peace
we will not be denied

Update:  words changed a bit to get X2 a bit less rhymish than it was.  This X2/X3 bit is the part which needs more emphasis because the words get lost in reverb or something.

The brief transitional bit via looper phrase 3

You've come to find Sanctuary - spoken
but you knew all along
it wasn't in the speeches
it was always in the song

Update: the third line bugged me and this says it better.  This part is short in which it gets it done and goes straight to the song.

The song with A, B parts via looper phrase 1

A) Just leave it behind - sung
you won't need it here
Come feel the love
you've nothing to fear

B) sun shines on down (descending part until 'in your heart' turns it around)
it's coming around
in your life
in your heart

Come into the light
Sanctuary is here
It's music and peace
it's always been near
next to you

sun shines on down
it's coming around
in your life
in your heart


Galaxy Guitar is dying to get into it so she takes one pass, maybe two

Here are all of your dreams
they are what they seem
Yes, it's all real
you know what you feel
right now

sun shines on down
it's coming around
in your life
in your heart


Take it away, Galaxy Guitar and / or Duo Trumpets again ... this part of it is amorphous.  The guitar play is clear but lead guitar isn't just playing notes, it's leading the song.

This part is all for trips because we're going and we're not coming back.  All those people back there are terrified but they're afraid of not being terrified because even peace scares them.  If they can leave that behind, they're welcome to come.

I've really wanted to end it with dive bombs because it's such a riot doing that when you get right up into the speaker.  If you play and F and keep pulling off the low E string, you can dive bomb the entire world.  I do love that twang bar (larfs).

That's not the ending for it, tho.

(Ed:  are you ever going to finish this song??)

Heya, grow some patience, Kangaroo Guy.  You know you can't rush elves.

This is my non-Christmas Christmas song but I'm damned if I'm writing some fookin' Christmas carol.  Nevertheless, I don't see anything in it which conflicts with the season.  That wasn't and isn't my purpose in writing it but we still remember "Scrooged" from last year.  Why can't it be like that all the time.

So, that's my demand on myself:  it has to be finished in time to deliver it before Christmas but not so close it gets in the way.

Note:  I can't play just now anyway since Vampire Woman sleeps until afternoon.  That's not a complaint, it's just her way.  What do you miss in the morning except 10:00 a.m. staff meetings and they always suck.

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