Sunday, December 6, 2015

Rampaging Narcissism, The Guardian, and Does My Ass Look Fat?

Narcissism is the disease of the age and some of my favorite whipping girls are the self-absorbed journos of "The Guardian" who see no problem in the world other than equal rights for women.  I have no intention of denigrating the need for equal rights in that regard but cops don't usually shoot women when they're pulled over for traffic violations as happens frequently with black men.  In that context, equal rights for women as an issue is a sandbox game for kindergarten.

If that were posted on a neo-femme's page, I ga-ron-tee you'll have strident li'l lassies bustin' yer ass all day long.

It's best to avoid the pages of neo-femmes because they only want to hear things they expect.  I was stunned yesterday by a really awful painting but which, in description, fulfilled the woman's image of herself.  In actuality, the painting did not deliver that but there was no interest in discussing the matter because the reason for posting the image of the painting had nothing to do with discussing the painting but rather the desire to discuss herself.

In this case study, there's no reason to flog the individual because there is talent in the subject of the painting but the artist did a piss poor job of portraying it.  The artist is a woman also and any criticism of the painting is thus a criticism of all women and blah de fucking blah.  I was pulling the punch on the criticism because my actual feeling is the only way the painting could have been more of a caricature would have been if the subject had been portrayed hanging from a cross.

There's no particular religious theme to this but Facebook and presumably others abound with graphics such as I LOVE JESUS in cheap, billboard-style presentations.  I suspect the immediate reaction in most on seeing that is nope, I don't believe it; if you really loved Jesus, you might consider showing him some respect.  As with the painting, it has nothing to do with Jesus but rather with the individual talking about himself or herself.  I doubt women have a monopoly on doing this but I see them doing it the most.  There's never any interest in me for theological discussion with such people because the sign shows glaringly they don't know the material.

Another example is Justin Bieber has just reached the same commercial status as The Beatles and Elvis Presley in terms of the number of records sold.  I don't follow his work except the coolness of the start of it in which he grew from a YouTube video he made himself.  The only impression I've had of anything he has done since has been self-absorbed rubbish for teenage listeners and he's never grown out of the role of the mop-top cutie even long after he should have done it.  Even The Beatles didn't play that mop-top stuff for long.  Teen angst is nice to get started but it's hardly a career.

(Ed:  Alice Cooper with "I'm Eighteen")

That's somewhat fair but he was the Wayne Newton of horror and didn't count for much in the overall view of rock.  When he wasn't doing horror shows, he was off wearing golf pants and a stupid golfer hat while he lolled about with the rich and famous.  Gene Simmons is another of that class and is often regarded as one of the biggest whores of entertainment.

There's the narcissism of the filthy rich in their belief they have a perfect right to get all the money in the world and keep it ... just because they can.  These ones went a few steps beyond Monopoly because they don't build the hotels, they rig the deals on facilitating building hotels and consequently make even more money without really buying anything.

The entitlement is obvious insofar as I deserve it because ... I'm a woman ... I'm a white guy ... I'm good with finance, etc, etc.  Based on these things, I can have anything I want and fuck everyone else.  It hardly ever goes beyond the accumulation of things and rarely reaches the point of spreading anything, sharing it, etc.

(Ed:  yah but is it worse than other times in history?)

Unknown as I can only speak for times I have seen and this is the worst in my experience.  Some like to blame the social networks but they seem more a symptom of the disease rather than the cause of it. Blaming the mortgage crisis on Facebook or America Online before it might be just a wee bit of a stretch.

(Ed:  so you have no answer?)

What good are answers, we like questions the best.

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