Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Rage Tears Behind the Beast of Judge Antonin Scalia

Scalia really busts my ass.  He shames me in talking that kind of bare-faced arrogance.  Who the fuck are you, fat boy??  He's a laughingstock on the Supreme Court and has been for some time.

Maybe some of you remember Shockley, a geneticist who worked out intelligence by races.  His conjecture was a total black hole of bad science insofar as it fails to consider what measures intelligence well enough to even make a comparison, how much white bias exists in testing intelligence, what is intelligence really, etc, etc.

Scalia is saying essentially the same thing with even less reason to say it.  This is a cut-and-paste version of speeches from a century ago aimed to deny women the right to vote.  There's not a word in anything he ever said which approaches being seminal and he has successfully evaded any hint of imagination in anything he ever did.

Note:  yes, the last part was stolen from John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind."  Ten points if you got it.

IQ goes up ten points, possibly more, simply based on good breakfast nutrition for kids.  The scale is tilted way the hell over to one side of the board and that side sits back in holy judgment of the dumb asses on the other for getting tilted by it.

This racist outrage is so prevalent and pernicious that more and more it busts my ass at seeing even a hint of it.  Even the tiniest contribution to any marginalization of negative references to other races contributes to the unholy whole of these words from Scalia.  Fuck it, why educate those darkies.  They can't hack it anyway.  I get like fucking rage tears behind this shit.  I don't even know what you do with it.

This is a lonely place.  I can't hang with black people even though some guys who know me call me 'brother' and I can't hang with white people because it enrages me to see even small racial references which may come in seemingly benign ways.  Hanging with black people is ok but it's not an identity because I can't possibly know what it is.  I'm poor and I've got my blues but that doesn't make me black, it only means I'm unlucky.  Hanging with white people doesn't work because they worry if I want something and it's much more subtle than that but it exists nevertheless.  It seems a world of distance in both directions.

As far as I can tell, the most racist thing in me is thinking black people make better musicians and I know it's crap, it's an excuse, it's racist rubbish ... but ... I've never seen a black musician who sucked and I've seen zillions of white ones who were walking reasons Guitar Center should close tomorrow.  That thinking is hard to shake but I suppose it's harmless because I am not any more or less intimidated by jamming with someone if he is black or white.

This guy Scalia hurts my heart because he really believes what he says.  That he believes it means a whole lot of other old white guys have the same belief.  People are constantly trying to educate others with their online trips but unknown if there exists any way to educate that crew.  Scalia is a Supreme Court judge and holding such beliefs is, in my view, grounds for immediate impeachment.  Unless someone takes a stand, it's never going to stop.  Otherwise, he's got the appointment until he dies.

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