Thursday, December 3, 2015

Just Another Asshole in the Country of One Hundred Million Guns (shrug)

For all the dramatics, yesterday was still just another asshole with a gun.  He gets pissed off with the co-workers at the Christmas party for some lunatic reason so, what else, he goes off to get his girlfriend to shoot a bunch of people.

So what.  This was No. 350 or so in mass shootings for the year and it isn't any more interesting than the others.

Reactions:  absolutely predictable.  Americans are terrified milksops with loud mouths.  Nothing will happen ... unless it's toward people ten thousand kilometers from here who had nothing to do with it.  They're probably lining up at gun stores right now to buy more guns.  Fucking cowards.

It looks like the kit used for the shooters was all easily-obtainable at gun shows without background checks so, fuck it, I should care when people buy this stuff and kill a bunch of people ... again?

Um, honey, I don't.  Americans like this shit or they wouldn't sell so many guns so people can keep doing it.

This only reaffirms my existing position to stay as far the fuck away as I can from gunners because way, way too many of them are dribbling lunatics who will kill you because they had runny eggs for breakfast or some hare-brain, rag-tag reason which means nothing to anyone.

All over the place you can see these sexually-inadequate punk asses taking selfies with their guns but with zero girls.  The gunner in the game yesterday actually had a girlfriend for once so, of course, he got her killed too.

The only thing separating anyone in America from murder by a gunner is whether there was good fishing that day.

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