Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 9/9


This one is completely all over the place ... of course this pleases me.  It seems you all did ok with it as the count was just under 2500 for the day.  The last time it was bangin' that hard was when I crashed the scooter in France.  I do appreciate it that such extreme stunts seem no longer necessary.

Benjamin Disraeli - about the drive to shoot rock videos

Life Was Better When Men Wore Dresses - of course it was but imagine Dick Cheney in one

Using Multiple Instruments with a Looper - seriously technical about using music loopers and different ways to feed them - thanks to Doug Kovach for the assist

Larry Flynt Offering Kim Davis One Million Dollars to Pose Naked - Mike Huckabee works as her promoter

Speedbird 2276 Heavy - about the Boeing aircraft which burned up with almost no casualties

Lincoln Didn't Free the Slaves - about political motivations

Why Transvestism is the Right Choice - sometimes it's self-evident but there are other clues such as this one

And Cheney Still Does Nothing - Even Republicans say this guy is wigged ... maybe he can hook up with Kim Davis and they can protest transgender toilets together

"I'm Buying" - A mortal slashing of Creflo Dollar ... with chords

Apple Finds a Way - finally an even worse keyboard is available ... whatever damage you haven't to your wrists yet should now be much easier

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