Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Why Transvestism is the Right Choice for You

Yesterday, a woman was bringing an umbrella to her son when she was hit on the chest by lightning.  It burned her and instantly knocked her unconscious and doctors say they believe the reason she is alive is the wire in her bra channeled the current away from her heart.  (Shanghai-ist:  'Bra wire' saves woman struck by lightning in Guangzhou)

Men, in the interests of safety and not getting blown all to hell by a lightning strike, it's best to start dressing like women.  And, please, boys, no more Liza Minneli.  You've featured her in so many drag shows it will embarrass her.  Don't disappoint her ... and me, try to show a little imagination.

Important tip for young Casanovas:  you can use 'she just fell' once regarding how your wife came to be at the bottom of a cliff but it doesn't work so well if you try it a second time with another wife.  Improvise, boys.  Think.  (AP:  Prosecutors: Man staged deaths of 2 wives as accidents)

Alert security in Canada prevented airline passengers from being murdered by a terrorist (i.e. boy) with a bomb (i.e. alarm clock).  Their swift action may have saved hundreds of lives and now it's completed they can tell you exactly what time it happened.  (CBC News: Teen charged for carrying bomb-shaped alarm clock in carry-on)

The interested student may wish to discover what 'bomb-shaped' means.  I thought they were long, pointy things they dropped out of B-17s but they look like alarm clocks now ... I guess.

(Ed:  is this a James Bond movie)

Could be.  Look around for cameras.

Hemp is regarded as a practical commercial product because of its many applications and its low concentration of THC, the primary active ingredient in marijuana.  Typically this is regarded as sufficient reason to regard the product as non-recreational but Oregon deer found a way to get around that:  eat the whole fuckin' field.  (KOIN 6:  Deer devour hemp crops at southern Oregon farm)

When the GMO marijuana-eating rabbits hear about those deer, there's going to be trouble.

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