Wednesday, September 9, 2015

And Cheney Still Does Nothing

Snarling and bitching like a jilted cougar, Dick Cheney has caused more death in the world in the last fifteen years than any other single source and he's absolutely defiant in his righteousness ... while people are still getting killed by what he incited.

Today the stooges at CNN get right in line with him and throw a huge graphic to depict the woman victimized by the leader of ISIS.  It doesn't explain to me why the stupid bitch went to him in the first place or why I should give a fuck about some asshole in Iraq when America has plenty of vicious, inconsiderate bastards running around, Dick Cheney foremost among them.  (CNN:  Convert or die: ISIS chief's former slave says he beat her, raped U.S. hostage)

So ISIS rapes some woman ... Cheney and his stooge, Bush, raped the entire region.

Meanwhile, the EU works on a joint resolution to the refugee crisis as they understand fully the first thing with refugees is to ensure they get something to eat and only then is it appropriate to talk about the next move.

Meanwhile, Cheney keeps snarling and America does nothing about the refugees.

Note:  there is some type of refugee policy relative to Syria in place in America but relatively few take advantage of it.

Pop quiz on that:  how the fuck does a refugee get to America when he can't even get his family across the Med without drowning and if he crosses from Turkey into Greece then they beat the shit out of him.

Are you seriously so afraid of Cheney that you're intimidated by that sick bastard.  He's just a broken down old man who has a fake heart.  He isn't anything more than a second-rate bureaucrat who never had an original idea in his life.  The only reason he's alive is because they put another heart into him and his private enterprise GOP ass would be pushing up weeds.  If not for the socialism of medical humanity he would be in a box so every breath he takes is as a flaming hypocrite.

Of all the stooges America ever put up to a false ideal and a shallow morality, Cheney is the once and future King.  He's the embodiment of the new Manifest Destiny and he carries its shame.  Refugees die while he rants.  Is that your will or his.

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