Friday, September 25, 2015

lefty and Voodoo at Cat's Art MusikCircus Last Night

The list for the evening changed, once, twice, many times ... but ... the final line-up was lefty Unplugged to open and Voodoo Shilton to follow.  I hope you were able to make it to the show.

There is an active medical situation so I couldn't be there.

The reason for writing is to remind anyone who wasn't there that Voodoo Shilton is one of the most aggressively interesting musicians in Second Life.

(Ed:  does that actually mean anything if you're not sick??)

Yes, in fact, it does.  Voodoo Shilton brings more different instruments and more diverse arrangements than any musical entity other than a prog rock band.  That he does not do prog rock is a loss for that genre but it's a huge gain for flamenco jazz.

There are multiple reviews here on the blog for lefty Unplugged and Voodoo Shilton, both of whom are extraordinary musicians.

lefty Unplugged and his followers, the Strumrats, make an apt match for a set with Voodoo Shilton as both are interested in the musical arrangements which best match the song they're writing, as opposed to writing to formulae, etc.  lefty can play some smokin' lead guitar when he needs too but his songs generally do not need that.

(Shredder:  it's nothing without lead!)

Shredder, learn some songs or go home.  Thank you.

Neither lefty nor Voodoo are grandstanding musicians.  Unknown what they did in their younger days but I doubt they wear scarves and Ray-Bans for a gig.  Striking the balance between showmanship and musicianship is difficult for the stage because the purist inside you thinks just play ... but there's quite a bit more to that when you take it on-stage.  In this regard, lefty and Voodoo are similar in that they know well the musical 'character' they are and fulfill it, as opposed to seeing some musical model elsewhere and trying to emulate it.  In much fewer words, these performers are originals.

Voodoo cannot play so often as there are lots of medical situations in the world.  Part of the reason for writing is to affirm, yes, I would very much like to have been there.

Things are not much improved today but I'm moving as deliberately as I can to solve it but this is a scary situation because the medicine stopped working.  I see a doctor in a week.  I'm afraid of going to a hospital as they may not let me back out and I already owe them $5,000 to $10,000 anyway.

Note:  that's not even a back-handed request for money.  Those bills wouldn't be paid even if I had the money.

Since increasing the medication didn't do anything except make me sick as a rat, it's clear I'm trying to solve the wrong problem.  Likely something else drives up the blood pressure.

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