Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Larry Flynt is Offering Kim Davis a Million Dollars to Pose Nude for Hustler Magazine

Larry Flynt has extended the more than generous offer of one million US dollars cash to Kim Davis to appear naked in his Hustler magazine.

At first there was vehement opposition from Mike Huckabee who is depending on Kim Davis for things to say in political campaign meetings.  He advised Davis not to do it as he had already lost one pervert (i.e. Josh Duggar) so what should he do after Davis appears in Hustler.  That's not going to go too well at an Arkansas Baptist Fellowship meeting, at least not until after the service.

Flynt proposed to Huckabee that he should get a ten percent finder's fee and his opposition immediately dissolved.  His counsel to Ms Davis changed substantially at that point as he advised her to take the deal.  He told her after he is done with her it's not likely she will still have her job nor will she be employable as she will known everywhere as a radical Christian.

The only people more unemployable than radical Christians are people who insist on carrying assault weapons to their desks.  Davis saw the new and improved wisdom of his words and agreed to speak with Flynt.

In the first conversation, her initial shyness returned but Flynt said, "Ela, ela, Kimmie, baby.  You've been married four times.  This isn't like an African safari if you're hearin' what I'm saying, boobie.  You show us the Beav, we take a few pics, it's all good.  I hand you a million dollars cash and you head for France."

Davis only stammered, "The Beav?"

Flynt laughed and said, "Come on, chickie.  You know The Beav.  It's the patch, the snatch, the slash, the gash.  We can get all Henry Miller and you've never fuckin' read him but you know what I mean, right?"

Davis only nodded her head.

Flynt asked, "Well then, do we have a deal?"

Davis nodded and then asked, "When?"

Flynt laughed again and said, "Now, baby.  Strip on down and we'll do the shoot right here in the cell.  Twenty minutes from now, you have bail money and onward Christian soldiers, right?"

Huckabee smiled and said, "I will give you two a little privacy.  Remember, God loves you."

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