Saturday, September 26, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog - notes

What's Hot on the Blog might not have been my greatest idea as we know what the Top Ten does to music, yes?

(Ed:  screws the pooch until it makes noise like a chicken?)

Something like that.

There are two What's Hot lists as I post one most days which lists What's Hot for that day.  In the sidebar is a What's Hot for the last 7 days and they're never the same.

The purpose in the daily posting is a lot of stuff slips through and you may not have thought it was worth reading because the article had a crap title or whatever mistake I made but I still think the article is worthy.  The daily post will reveal some of those and that's good as the 7 Day list won't.

But stuff still slips through which I thought was worth a read which didn't get it.  The Index tab on top addresses that to some extent as you can find anything that way but it's ugly like a lawn in the middle of a beautiful pastures and that is seriously ugly.

Side-note to congratulate Ortho, ChemLawn and others for helping make a lawn so important to people such that millions of millions of normal citizens can help destroy the environment as effectively as heartless corporations.

(Ed:  screw What's Hot.  You're busting on lawns now?)

Sure, they deserve it.  There's little reason to believe you all don't know this already and lawns are one of the worst things you can do for the environment.  This is true in terms of shitloads of chemicals used to keep the lawn weed-free, wiping out the natural flora of the pasture, and multiple other offenses.

Plus lawns hide chiggers and you don't know misery until a chigger crawls up your leg as it has only one idea in mind:  where can I make you itch which will bug you more than anywhere else on your body.  Yah, there.  And he takes all his friends.  That's not so common in Texas because maybe the fire ants eat them but up North you can learn to love chiggers in Ohio and likely many Northern states.  Chiggers would come from surrounding counties to bite me and, I swear, I avoided ever walking on the grass up there.

The above sounds like a life of fear but it was nothing but death for grass as the Mystery Lady and I wiped out every blade of grass on the property and replaced it all with flowers, shrubs, etc.  It really surprises me more people don't do this as it's much prettier, much easier to maintain, and the Earth loves you for it.

Well ...

(Ed:  what did you get for that?)

Oh, not much ... little yellow finches would come by when the coneflowers went to seed, butterflies loved the place ... sometimes critters would land in the pool to take a break ... you know, life is what you get.

(Ed:  you talk green and you had a fookin' swimming pool?)

Yah, that's kind of hideous, isn't it.

Well, here's the cop:  we don't do it anymore.

(Ed:  hogwash.  you did it again in Rhode Island)

So I was hideous twice ... but they were some major fun.  That stuff is long gone.  Once thing I do know for sure:  all the stuff we planted is still there.

All of those were when family was clear to everyone and that's no judgment of anyone as we accumulate wounds over time.  Back then the parents would always bring their kids and the pool time was great stuff.  From your own parental perspective, it may be unusual to try to turn it around to see this was the finest kid stuff for me because it was just about the only kid stuff in my life.  Those memories are premium.  I invite you to indulge in your own as you were there too.

(Ed:  say there, Calhoun.  You been smokin' that ganja?)

It's been a few days and I figured, well, if I ain't croakin' immediately then a bit o' the ganja would be ok.  I can cheerfully report it is more than ok, man ... more than ok.

There's another premium buzz in not writing a load of crap about what happened.  So I don't have to be thinking now, man, I sure wish I didn't write that.  That's a win.  Oh yah, man ... more than ok.

(Ed:  so long as it's True Confessions, cigarettes?)

Same pack for three days.  Unknown how long this holds but I know what I can do ... I just did it or at least in the midst of it.

That's the same reason fat people bug me so much.  Man, you're killing yourselves and it's worse than cigarettes.  I don't want to fuckin' die but I'm killing myself with cigarettes.  Every time I think of Sam Kinison's last words, it brings the focus, "Why now?  I don't want to die.  Why now?"

(Ed:  hard shit)

Yah, death is hard.  Life is much better.

So, uh ... what's hot (larfs).

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