Sunday, September 27, 2015

Klonopin - the Most Dangerous Drug I Have Ever Used

Even knowing the danger of Klonopin, it still sneaked up on me.  At no time did I take more than the original prescription and it's true it's helpful for sleep but don't take it for very long or you will find yourself in one major world of hurt.

The doctor yesterday said the anxiety, paranoia, crazy pulse, etc are all symptoms of coming off Klonopin too fast.  There's no question of taking more of it to work some kind of better glide path as this train is already rolling so there's nothing for it but to hang on tight.

Reefer has been my pal for fifty years.  I stop, I start, but mostly I smoke the ganja and it's good.  There's never any kind of crazy if I run out of it.  The only thing to come behind that is I'll be thinking, yep, sure would be better if there were some ganja about.

There are many drugs which are dangerous but they're obviously dangerous so it's difficult to say you got sucker-punched by heroin.  You had to make the overt decision:  oh sure, I really, really want to fuck myself up.

Klonopin doesn't work that way as it's sneaky.

(Ed:  like the Tea Party?)

You know, for a Talking Horse, you see a lot of things.

There's a bit of sneaky in heroin but it's artificial as people say you will get addicted just for trying it and that's crap.  More likely, you will get sick.  That may leave people thinking they can do it again after they discover what was initially told them about heroin wasn't true.  The danger factor in the drug really isn't changed but it's exacerbated enormously by false reports on what it does.  The same principle applies regarding when media quoted scientists as saying LSD breaks chromosomes.  I know a lot of trippin' people who became breeders and not one of them produced some green, busted chromosome mess.

Don't do it again as that shows you are already falling into the trap.  Now you're searching for something ... and you will never find it.  Better yet, just don't fuck with it.

So Klonopin is sneaky by pretending to be benign.  It absolutely is not.

Yer Uncle Silas has been abusing drugs and remaining non-deceased for one seriously long-ass time.  This is not something I read in a book or some dipshit told me.  I've lived all of it and I know what I say.

(Ed:  isn't that a false comparison when reefer never killed anyone?)

Horse, you could become a real pain in the ass but it's still a fair question.  Nevertheless, both are drugs.  One is illegal and may make you smile while the other is legal but will fuck your shit up.  Your call.

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