Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Martin Shkreli, Strong Contender for Worst Person in the World

If any of y'all are worrying about going to Hell, you won't be after reading about this one.

Martin Shkreli has never developed anything.  Instead he buys the rights to drugs and then raises the prices outrageously.  He is emblematic of a class of parasites which operates legally but in reprehensible ways as no-one ever anticipated anyone could be such a sleazy, merciless bastard.

He bought the rights to the drug, Daraprim, which was selling for $13.50 and he immediately raised the price of it to $750.  There was no change of any kind to the drug and the change was based on nothing more than gouging which is swinish but legal.

Daraprim is used for AIDS patients.  In making this drug inaccessible to people, it is an overt act of homicide ... for which he is rewarded handsomely.

The video mentions other drugs which are already being used to rape the American public such as XANAX and just about any psychoactive drug, the majority of which have already been subjected to American markups of 10,000% and higher.  The reason they get so insane about buying drugs from overseas pharmacies is the same markups don't apply in other countries and the American pharmacies would immediately dive.

The outrage has been going on for years and this skank is the arrogant face of it.  Every bit of this is legal.

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