Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Living Well is the Best Revenge - Saveme Oh Edition

For my first look at the Rules for Self-Respect, the reaction was, jeebers, another fookin' melodramatic squabble ... and it was ... but it demonstrates perfectly you only get attention when you earn it and that title goes to Saveme Oh.

Saveme Oh dancing at Cat's Art MusikCircus amid who knows what in the air.  Deceptions Digital is behind her on the stage.

There are various assaults in the discussion against Saveme but notice the greasy aspect of them as this has been practiced.  This is your PDQ Team (Professional Drama Queen) and Saveme Oh deals with them lucidly whereas the responses are largely predictable.

On first reading, my thought was the responses were slick ... but that's the problem.  They're way too slick and that shows only they have been rehearsed and / or used many times.  The only thing you can do with people like that is mute them.  They won't ever stop because they have nothing better to do.

Cat told me Saveme Oh came to do the visuals for the performance of Dimensions Digital on Tuesday and she did an exceptional job of it.  Gratuitous acts of outrageous visuals are not uncommon at the MusikCircus (i.e. almost every time you go there something will explode) but Saveme takes outrage to a dimension others can't handle and that's when the PDQ Team comes out ... but never at the Circus.

Also from Deceptions Digital Tuesday performance at Cat's Art MusikCircus.  Looks like it blowed up real good.

Maybe you read the article and saw how they do and your best reaction is to mute them.  If you want glib dialog, watch a politician; you will gain no more from it.  If you need outrageous public spectacle, call Saveme Oh.

You may also have seen in the article where Cat was slammed even though had nothing at all to do with it.  If you were at DD's performance with Saveme Oh on Tuesday at the MusikCircus, you will find Cat is considerably more of a diplomat than those who would speak wrongly of her.

The comedy aspect is Saveme Oh suggested the attacker join Cat but what really came is Saveme and Cat joined up for the show.  That which previously was not supposed to happen turned out to be very cool.  That's the music; anything else is just rap.

(Ed:  which rhymes with ...)

Sometimes you talk too much, Mister Ed.

Sometimes Saveme Oh will piss you off and she has me as well but the fact remains:  she's interesting in a world of pasty-faced simulacra.

(Ed:  why do you use words like that?)

Because other people don't.  That's why Saveme Oh does what she does and we hope she keeps on doing it even if she does piss me off once in a while.  These are the people who keep life interesting.


Lenni Foxtrot said...

Well written, agreed :)

Unknown said...

Thank you. I do appreciate it.