Sunday, September 27, 2015

Holy Shit, It's a Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Take it easy as this is the disease and there was no bite.  (I know this follow-up line appears in any teaser intro on social networks)

There was a little spot on my arm and I scratched it a little which you're not supposed to do but we all do it anyway.  It bled a little bit but I thought, pfft, nothing much.  I usually do much better than that.

Later I see it again and it's dark with a diameter of maybe fifty mm.  That's when disease kicks into it as I'm thinking, fark, it's a brown recluse spider and it's necrotizing.


This was not an all-out panic as I'm aware of disease but the reaction was still crazy as in fuck it, let's see what happens next.

Finally I make the connection:  this is where the IV was inserted yesterday.

Note:  disease is used to cover artificially-induced problems due to a prescription medicine conflict.

There is no melodrama as this is full-tilt crazy.  There is no roll-over as I'm sucking up as much fluid as I can pump into myself, one pack of cigarettes went four days, and even reefer is low.  The reefer situation is that way because crazy really fucks up a buzz.

The article is a request for some latitude.  It took months to get into the situation and likely it will take months to get out of it.  This is my own version of a crosswind landing and it's a bitch but you panic and you crash.

This is not copping for anything some may regard as bad taste as my problem is with anything which is mean.  Crazy is what makes that and I don't fookin' need it ... neither do you.

For anything which was mean, I do apologize for it as no-one needs it.

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