Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Zuckerberg is a Clinton Democrat - Enough Money to Strike the Pose but Plastic Fakery

Mark Zuckerberg gives millions to Planned Parenthood, in exactly the same way as Hillary Clinton spends her money for exactly the effect she wants to create, while at the same time he sucks billions out of the country.

Zuckerberg's behavior has nothing even remotely to do with that of a Democrat as every other aspect of his life is highway robbery and manipulation of the people with Facebook.  Any pretense he makes of liberalism is nothing more than the same charade Clinton makes.  You will never find more deeply-entrenched tools of the state than those two.

There remains only one free man in Washington:  Bernie Sanders.

You can choose Sanders or you can make any other choice and get this after bombing Iran.

All of them are big on 'turning pages' but their book isn't worth a damn and they probably didn't read it anyway, their education gives no evidence of ever reading anything.

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