Monday, September 7, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 9/7

Sep 7, 2015

The Pretty Reckless band takes a big win.  Hat tip on that one as I agree.

Not bad, this is almost all about music but the bit about Trade Arkansas is just a little bit (i.e. a lot) less musical.  You seem to have got a smirk out of that one.

"Demons and Butterflies" has got huge to me and there's some thinking I shouldn't do it again because trying to make it perfect defeats what it is as a description of an egregiously imperfect situation ... or that's just a cop for not doing it right.  The thinking along the line is huge because it encompasses everything, the Unified Field Theory of the Galactic Peace Tour and Resistance Movement.

Physicists are way behind on this as we were onto anti-gravitons years ago and their function is the inverse of the graviton increasing gravitic attraction as the anti-graviton reduces it.  Thus explains the Illusion of Gravity in which refugees drown in the Mediterranean and no-one notices but it's important to know what Miley Cyrus wore to the VMAs.  This can only happen with the existence of anti-gravitons and thus we resolve the Illusion of Gravity.

Who are the Demons and who are the Butterflies as there's a lot of confusion about this.  We know the ones who are hungry are almost certainly not demons and thus the emphasis on refugees and why did Bieber cry.  Why does anyone.

Angela Merkel has a hat tip in the list for accepting ten thousand refugees into Munich over recent days.  She doesn't talk, she acts.  We are impressed.  Schindler cried that he had failed because he could not save more.  We're thinking Angela Merkel has seen that movie.

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