Monday, September 7, 2015

Angela Merkel Has No Reason to Keep Her Eyes on the Ground

lefty Unplugged will play at Cat's Art MusikCircus this afternoon (US) / evening (Euro) and he wrote a song about Angela Merkel.  One part talks of how she walks about with her eyes on the ground and the song is not precisely all that flattering of her.  Why should it be flattering as she is one of the varieties of Christian Democrat parties in Germany (i.e. conservative) while all the best people are either Greens or Social Democrats.  Of course that's true because that's where we are.

Note:  Germany has no Republican Party.  They can easily see from Congress what they add to US politics:  nothing.

Angela Merkel was instrumental in the arrival of ten thousand refugees at Munich these last few days.

Admittedly, David Cameron said he will receive more refugees in England but we don't care what politicians say.  Angela Merkel acts.

Cat doesn't want to hear why the refugees come, in large part because she knows already and the manufactured 'war' with ISIS is obviously it but she can do nothing to change that.  What she can do is work as she can to ensure refugees from that fighting get something to eat and get under cover because only then can we talk of what shall come next.  You need to hear her voice to fully understand her passion for this as she doesn't ask for fair treatment for refugees, she demands it.

And Angela Merkel, despite absolutely vicious abuse in being called every filthy name you can imagine, likely in multiple languages, knows the right thing and she does it.

The most outrageous, kick you square in the side of your head irony of all this is Germany is bending over backwards to receive the refugees from conflicts in which America is a major instigator while at the same time America refuses to accept refugees from anywhere.  When at one time, America was reacting to the heartlessness of NAZI behavior, today American heartlessness causes the same thing and, what do you know, look who takes the lead in a positive response to the needs of the people who are being hurt by it.

Angela Merkel has no reason to look at the ground ... but a lot of other people do.


Anonymous said...

Is this the same germany that along with france that is asking for a new plan to distribute refugees as the present levels are unfair and unstainable

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the Germany that will be 1.8 million workers short over the next 10 years
So it really looks like the economy is driving Merkels altruism

Unknown said...

The whys don't matter too much to me until after they're landed somewhere and get something to eat. My friend suggested there's a refugee program in U.S. but few Syrians take advantage of it. I'm guessing too hard to get here but I don't know.

I don't see any unilateral solution as the base problem is too many people and it's highly likely increased automation of things (e.g. machine harvesting displacing migrant workers, robots displacing auto workers, etc) will exacerbate the problem further.

There really isn't a problem in the world which comes before this one as it appears to me practically every other problem is an extension from this base.

Anonymous said...

Merkel and Juncker announced today they will accept 800000 refugees by year end and another 500000 over the next several years.
This is exactly what they needed to fill their entry level position through 2020.
I agree the reason is immaterial to the refugees but we should be clear on the base motivation of politicians is money and re-election.
And ISIS is the cause. US policy may have spawned the ISIS But they are escaping ISIS

Unknown said...

All politicians are shit and are motivated by money and power. Definitely agreement with that and probably with just about anyone would either.

I'm still thinking your analysis is needlessly cynical as sometimes even politicians do something because it's the right thing. My own perception of the German reaction comes from a sample of one but she is passionate about it in talking of it as she will get furious in trying to analyze causes because her position is not negotiable: get those kids out of the water and then we can analyze. Fair enough. Let's do that.

I don't mean to imply America is worse than ISIS as see above about worthless leaders but they have become co-spawners of this. I'm faIrly sure our perceptions of this are largely the same insofar as stop the shooting and then brings the kids home. Then we can talk of whether this ISIS guy should ever be in People magazine.