Monday, September 7, 2015

U.S. Offers to Trade Arkansas for Israel if Netanyahu Takes Huckabee With It

The United States makes a fair offer to the sovereign state of Israel to trade the state of Arkansas with the vastly greater safety and security it offers in exchange for the existing Israeli land and territory, and there is only one condition:  Netanyahu must take Mike Huckabee and never let him back out again.  He is not to be given access to broadcast television, radio, or any type of transmission device which would permit his dumb ass to be heard anywhere outside the new sovereign state of the New Israel.

(Ed:  what about Jerusalem?)

No problem, Jewish friends.  We will dig it the fuck up and bring it right along.  Think of how much better it will be without any troubles from those A-rabs.

All we need is to get those Army Engineers on it and a few C-130s, we'll move it in no time.  We got the London Bridge to Arizona, we can move Jerusalem.  Fuhgedaboudit.

(Ed:  what about our Arab friends?)

Which Arab friends would that be?

(Ed:  speaking of which, what about the nukes we don't have?)

Netanyahu, listen up, buddy.  You know you can't keep the nukes you don't have because there's no-one to nuke in Arkansas ... well ... except for Huckabee.  The nukes you don't have will stay where you are pretending not to have them.

Oh, and about running for President ... piss off.

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