Monday, September 7, 2015

The Refugees of the World are my Guernika

Picasso painted "Guernika" and it was exactly the same theme of the horror of war and the hideous depravity which comes with it.  The statement was valiant but we see how little has changed so "Guernika" is a point on a continuum in a mission which is not complete.

The purpose in the picture is not to be pretty as what sense does the word make when people are bombed to little bits and women and children are starving.  We become inured to it when we're bombarded with news of the horror and it's a different kind of assault which makes us hard and ugly.  Pretty means nothing in this context except in its absence.

There's a difficult measure of art in such a context as how bad can one be in expression of the ugliness without falling over the edge into something which just plain sucks.  It doesn't matter if you can argue all day with eggheads if it's art if underneath it all the work is just shabby quality.  Trying to do a classy portrayal of ugliness makes no logical sense but that is the task, mission, whatever you want to call it.

No-one should ever have to leave home unless it's for the purely human curiosity of wanting to see what's on the other side of the mountain.  When there's no choice about it is when it becomes Guernika.

The supreme ugliness of Guernika is it wasn't just once.  Therefore the task is to express ... with class ... that ugliness over time.  Impressionism alone isn't enough and that creates another conundrum as the screaming of the guitar is the impression, even though the refugees are usually silent.  Impressionism, by definition, is not something which extends over a continuum in time, it's a paradoxical thought.

There is overwhelming horror and it will consume you because there are layers below the obvious in which there is festering all manner of hideous theories about why such things happen and the evil of the people who would cause them to happen.  In large part, I reject the conspiracies because people just aren't fucking smart enough.  Every time humans try to make a large organization, we almost always fuck it up.  Maybe it's the Tower of Babel Principle.  Unknown.  In any case, going into that realm may get you into something which enmeshes you so tightly you can't get out, they're extremely good at appearing to be amateurs but grifting is an old game.

(Ed:  is this all about rationalizing the madness of the wah-wah guitar?)

Mostly so, yes.  I need my music to be precise and perfect and beautiful and women will come from miles around just on the mere fantasy of being my love slave.  I will hypnotize them, I will beguile them ... but that isn't even close to what the guitar in this tune is doing.

That's some seriously insane guitar playing (be-bop alert) but that's the sanity of it, man, as how is it possible to express an insane thing in a sane way.  Yah, so, dig it, man.  (sounds of fingers popping)

The poetry sucked as mostly I couldn't tell what it was.  That wasn't beat, that was just crap.  The thinking and the vibe are onto it but there needs to be better treatment ... which actually means uglier so now we're back in another artistic quandary.

"Demons and Butterflies" may be the only thing I do for a while.  Maybe it takes Opus 1, 2, 3 or so to find what does it.  The lasers are integral, so long as I remember to light them, as they amplify the chaos.  Of course there's smoke as everything is burning.

Paramount in at least one way is it's not my purpose to pick on Justin Bieber.  He's lucky enough to be the symbol of a huge number of people who just Don't Give a Fuck.

Another important thing to me is to represent as there's a lot of characterization of poor people as being the source of resentment of refugees but it's not true.  Refugees won't take anything from me.  I won't get anything more if they don't come.  All they fucking want is something to eat ... and just a little bit of hope.  Down here on the ground, we don't grudge them that.  We don't grudge anyone that.

Well, except for Dick Cheney.  That vicious bastard should crawl through a sewer to get something to eat.

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