Monday, September 7, 2015

"Demons and Butterflies" - the Ballad of Bieber's Bluster (video)

"Demons and Butterflies" will come back in another incarnation as it wasn't clear enough what I was saying.

Some things to emphasize until that happens:

Justin Bieber is a symbol of a generation.  Why he cries is irrelevant and no-one cares about self-absorption, self-pity, etc.  Miley Cyrus is equally appropriate as all they asked is what she wore.

Refugees don't cry.  They know too much about suffering to waste time on tears.  They try to get help and from everywhere they hear NAZIs telling them the race must remain pure, go somewhere else.

Maybe then people will tell me about religion but, by then, I'm not listening to them anymore.

By then I'm making this song and it's not a song so much as an explosion.  Why doesn't everyone explode.  Families drown trying to cross the Med, just trying to get free.  Greeks brutalize them trying to come across from Syria.

And Carly Fiorina says watch out for them.

Yeah, right, Carly.  They're not white.  Fuck 'em.

Note:  recall the reaction to Jewish refugees during WWII (WIKI).

"Demons and Butterflies" - First attempt at recording, second attempt at playing.  You will easily find a hundred things wrong with it ... but that's not the point.

Hope you have some time for it.  Again for epileptics and others who have have troubles from intense lighting effects, be careful due to the lasers, etc.

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