Thursday, May 18, 2017

When the Next Dimension of Stupid Comes in America, Creationists Always Bring It

Snelling is a prominent young-Earth creationist. For years, he has given lectures, guided biblical-themed Grand Canyon rafting tours, and worked for the nonprofit Answers in Genesis. (The CEO of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, is also behind the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter theme park.) Young-Earth creationism, in contrast to other forms of creationism, specifically holds that the Earth is only thousands of years old. Snelling believes that the Grand Canyon formed after Noah’s flood—and he now claims the U.S. government is blocking his research in the canyon because of his religious views.

(The Atlantic:  A Creationist Sues the Grand Canyon for Religious Discrimination )

You had to know those sluts who built the Ark in Kentucky are involved in this.

(Roger Bolsius / Creative Commons)

There's nothing so beautiful Creationists can't fuck it up after making their bones by making a laughingstock out of the Bible.  Ken Ham is one the most mercenary of the cynical corporate "Anything for a Buck" maggots when he plays the Bible like he's Kim Kardashian surprising the world with yet another selfie featuring her gigantic ass.

Ed:  I represent the Bible like a thinking a adult!

You don't represent to the world, mate.  Ken Ham does and he makes American religion look like a fucking joke.

The Grand Canyon is a roaring symbol of the way fundamentalist Christians find something they don't like and kill it.  The Canyon is over seventy million years old so that bollixes the bullshit of Creationism so there's only one move:  kill it.

There's not tuppence difference between they and fundamentalist Muslims.  The Muslims just have it easier to whack people after their governments disintegrated.

Americans can't accept that secularism increases in America and I know that after having run an experiment earlier tonight to prove it.  That ostrichism notwithstanding, England is a highly secular state as is much of Europe and Russia has been for ages.  When they see the parade of provincial pukes touting the Ark and this current crap, it must make them just yearn for the days of the church.

You might have heard Jack Kerouac expressing the views of traditional Catholicism earlier but of course you didn't because you didn't watch the video.

Ed:  they just got off the bus from the Kentucky Ark

No shit.  Bring back the Russians; at least they're intelligent.

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