Monday, May 22, 2017

Vegetarians Just Got a Major Boost for Why Do It - Science

A team of researchers from four American universities says the key to reducing harmful greenhouse gases (GHG) in the short term is more likely to be found on the dinner plate than at the gas pump.
The team, headed by Loma Linda University (LLU) researcher Helen Harwatt, PhD, suggests that one simple change in American eating habits would have a large impact on the environment: if Americans would eat beans instead of beef, the United States would immediately realize approximately 50 to 75 percent of its GHG reduction targets for the year 2020.

The researchers explained that beef cattle are the most GHG-intensive food to produce and that the production of legumes (beans, peas, etc.) results in one-fortieth the amount of GHGs as beef.  Research suggests eating beans instead of beef would sharply reduce greenhouse gasses

On that basis, the Veggies have got a reason to get militant about it.

Skipping the main body of the article, here's the conclusion.

Harwatt applauds the fact that more than a third of American consumers are currently purchasing meat analogs: plant-based products that resemble animal foods in taste and texture. She says the trend suggests that animal-sourced meat is no longer a necessity.

"Given the scale of greenhouse gas reductions needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, are we prepared to eat beef analogs that look and taste like beef, but have a much lower climate impact?" she asks. "It looks like we'll need to do this. The scale of the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions needed doesn't allow us the luxury of 'business as usual' eating patterns."

- PO

We really didn't need an 'or else' demerit but the point is taken of vast savings in many things if we eliminate the middleman and eat vegetarian just as do the animal food stocks we raise.

Note:  Jeremy Clarkson gave us his side-by-side taste test of a real burger versus a synthetic or tofu burger or some such.  He said the tofu burger definitely wasn't the same but did have some interest for its own sake.

My own world swings surprisingly vegetarian since I'm developing a steady aversion to meat and the surprise is because I've never been a vegetarian nor had any desire to become one.  The unfortunate aspect to this is I also find the idea of a tofu burger revolting so eggs and potatoes play a big part in life.

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