Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Pussy Hats Are Here and Now I Can Be Beautiful

The silence had to be broken for this extraordinary moment but I won't post Pussy Anonymous because there's no poem from some asshole and I'm quite sure he's really pissed with feminists other than the Code Pink variety.

Odd ballball things hang down on each side and those seem to defeat the purpose but maybe I could put LEDs in them which blink.

"The boobies light up.  You don't see that every day." - Brewster McCloud (I think)

Ithaka runs on automatic pilot.  It's had well over seven hundred reads and I haven't done anything.

Ed:  you wrote a robo and it replaced you.  That was clever.

Apparently so (takes a humble bow).

Ed:  nur in Stille sind wir besiegt?

Something like that

I'll post another article to show what that means.   Coming up in just a minute.

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