Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Grand MSM Wet Dream of Impeaching Trump for Talking to Laprov

Since we have not observed any discernible evidence of long-term memory in Americans, the Rockhouse would like to cheerfully remind everyone Neolibs can sue for impeachment for whatever they like and make it watering down the drinks at Mar-A-Lago.

What happens after that, li'l duckies?

Yah, it has to get through Congress.

Perhaps we could review who holds the majority in Congress.

You can try to impeach him all you like and it won't have any more success than trying to impeach Bill Clinton for getting blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office.

Yep, that poofed faster than MSM's idiot and ill-advised wet dreams.

The Rockhouse would also like to cheerfully remind our beloved but educationally-challenged Neolibs, the President is Commander in Chief.

It wouldn't matter if Trump gave Laprov a tour of the Oval Office to show him all the places where the carpet needed to be cleaned after Bill Clinton and the cleaners never quite got out the stains.

That you think something is impeachable doesn't make it true and pushing it doesn't mean it has any practical chance of success.

Ed:  it's all FUD?

Looks like it.

Ed:  Laprov scratches his head and wonders, "What the fuck is wrong with these people?"

Exactly.  The same way everywhere else was scratching their heads over the way America went berserk about Bill Clinton's blow jobs ... those people are fucking crazy.

See above about America's long-term memory since none of that with Bill Clinton really happened and he's been nominated for sainthood by the Vatican.

Ed:  they don't make saints out of Protestants; in fact, you can't make saints out of Protestants.

In this case, the splendor of the miracles Bill Clinton wrought was so powerful the Vatican is making an exception.

Ed:  well, the Vatican gets off on blow jobs too

Unknown but we know for sure, to endless gory description, how much Bill Clinton loves blow jobs.

How about the Trump / Laprov conversation in which Trump explains how Clinton got away with that and wound up one hundred million dollars rich.

Just try making that make sense to Laprov.  It would be hilarious!

Ed:  is this the ACO Maneuver (i.e. American Crazy Overload)?

Exactly.  Enough of it and Laprov will start whirring and springs will start shooting out of his head.  "These people are fucking crazy.  These people are fucking crazy."

Then there's a big flash of smoke and he's gone.

Ed:  what happened to him?

Wasn't that enough?

Ed:  I thought you believe Laprov?

I do but hearing an explanation of how Washington works will make the springs shoot out of anyone's head.

I do believe he will settle this nuclear oneupmanship from Washington if they ever stop fucking with him.  But that's how Washington works and good luck making it make sense to yourself, much less make sense to foreign observers.

Bonus question:

Q.  Who whacked Seth Rich?

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