Friday, May 19, 2017

That Unusual Bump on My Pelvis is Still There and I Still Don't Give a Fuck

The Quack Mugger in Rhode Island had some odd fascination with a bump on my pelvis and considered multiple times over some years whether it needed further evaluation.  I told the idiot it had been smashed and broken in multiple places in the last bike crash but he kept coming back to it.  I told him my foot is fucked, my knee is partially fucked, and my shoulder is demolished but he never did anything except say, man, I think that bump on the pelvis needs a check.

Yah, my attitude kind of sucks.  Maybe I should look back a month to find if I was doing anything different since part of the audience appreciated the science but they went to NeverNever Land.  Ergo, I changed something then they split.

But it's all a Mystery, is it not, my brothers and sisters.

Here is one and I can't have this, mates, since it makes a joke of the parts which matter the most.  The science articles which get hits now have Republican or Abortion as keywords and that's just about as Neanderthal as it gets.

I'm looking for curiosity and I always have been although it would have been better if I had found doctors with more of it but that's what you get with an insurance plan.

It's all a Mystery.

I tried to split to take a break but it didn't work out so well.

Then I just needed a doctor again.  I was in a loop.

Ed:  you need an attitude readjustment

Nah, as that's usually code for getting drunk and the only thing coming for drunkies from that is a hangover in the morning makes them sick with a bad attitude.  No thanks.

It's the Charley Principle.  If you have a headache, have someone hit you to give you a Charley Horse in your arm.  Now you're not thinking about a headache anymore.

Ed:  what about the ganja?

It's a Mystery, my son.

Ed:  don't you pull that Faddah bullshit with me when you may be ordained but you're no more holy than Opus and he worships dandelions.

The Mystery grows ever deeper, does it not.

Ed:  fuck you, Faddah

Never think I cannot match your gratuitous use of profanity, young novitiate.

(time passes)

It appears you were wise enough to defer, my son, so now let us pray.

Ed:  for what?

Ganja, of course

Ed:  you don't have any?

It's a Mystery, you see.

Ed:  you sound completely stoned to me

Such is the way of the Great God Mescalito.

Ed:  he commands you to write?

Nooo, he commands me to smoke the ganja and don't write anything.

Ed:  he is wise

It's a Mystery

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