Monday, May 8, 2017

Still Dealing with the Radiation

The weekend didn't just suck, it sucked in twelve dimensions and, after radiation, you know the song.

No, no, it don't come easy
You know it don't come easy

"It Don't Come Easy" - Ringo Starr

It's coming but it wants to torture Yevette a little more before it leaves her alone.

Something else we know from this about people saying you can survive the radiation from a nuke war ... take it away Granny.

Granny:  it don't mean doodlysquat

You've got that right, Granny.

Even with just a touch of radiation sickness, you'll be puking for a week so tell me again about nuclear survivability, General P. Bullshit.

Ed:  what does the P stand for?

Peter but he's sensitive about anyone calling him that.

As always, there's no need for the background details since it easily sucks as hard as I say but the treatment is over now and she does not have to go back today.

It's a bitch from the Caregiver side since I hear many things but there's not much I can do with this part beyond tea and sympathy (literally and with lots of ice) so I'm thinking a lot, "Kee-rist, Fate has been jacking her shit to the Moon for five weeks straight so is it asking too much to just leave her the fuck alone now?"

It isn't too much ... but ...

No, no, it don't come easy
You know it don't come easy

The idea of talking is still not a big hit with me since I can get emotional easily over this but that's bullshit, self-pitying emotion in the difficulty of watching it and I don't want that sick bitch to get out.

It's slow but it's coming because you know it don't come easy.  Since you have already put Ithaka over a thousand reads this morning, it looks like time to feed the killer cats outside.

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