Friday, May 12, 2017

SaveMe Oh, the Salvation of the Enlightened ... to Others Not So Much

We love SaveMe Oh since she's a one-woman mission to save the world from mediocrity.  It's like New Zealand trying to rid their islands of rats but someone has to do it.  (Ithaka:  Let's Whack All the Rats and Confuse Hell Out of Treehuggers)

My dear friend Francesco Bonetto from the Italianverse sim is an opera lover and he will do everything possible to bring classical music to the attention of the bunch of Italian dumbo’s he is surrounded with. Francesco’s problem is, he has no idea how to bring opera alive in a virtual world so he comes up with the sad recreation of an existing opera. No artistic vision, no intrigue, no edge. Just some dressed up avatars who “play Barbie” with lousy animations on a shitty stage. The result is that the Italian bimbo’s do nothing else than taking pics of each other so they can tag each other on facebook to prove they were there.

As I admire Francesco in his attempt to bring culture to the bimbo avatars who are only focused on their new mesh bodies and latest skin updates I decided to save him.

- SaveMe Oh's Weblog:  La Barbie Boheme

You see the selflessness of this amazing woman, this high priestess of progressivism, this ...

Ed:  are you just trying to piss her off?

Nah but a larf would be alright.

SaveMe as she attempts the salvation.

Ed:  that's not a Code Pink pussy hat!

Relax, li'l snowflake.  Adjust.  Salvation can be thine.

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