Friday, May 12, 2017

Let's Whack All the Rats and Confuse Hell Out of Treehuggers

I'm talkin' serious rat whacking since we don't want simply to control them, we want to extinctify them in this (cough) Eden demi paradise.

Ed:  a Brit will whack you for that one.

So I'm a rat ... this is news?

In fact, let's whack all those damn possums since who likes a damn possum anyway and those fucking stoats; those are some sneaky li'l sumbitches too, aren't they.  Let's whack all of them.

Let's make those bastard animals extinct all over this island.  Even better, let's do it on both islands since we never want to see those vermin in New Zealand ever again.  (ABC:  New Zealand's ambitious plan to save birds: Kill every rat)

Ed:  that's not the right demi paradise!

Any island is a demi paradise when you're living on it.

Despite the slaughterous method, there's a good reason since none of them are native to New Zealand and they're playing hell with (i.e. killing) the local wildlife.

What's a treehugger to do?  Leave them alone because every sperm is sacred or whack those invader terrorists since the local wildlife has no defenses against them.

Make no mistake of these invaders being destroyers.

Then humans arrived, bringing predators with them. Rats stowed away on ships. Settlers introduced opossums for the fur trade and weasel-like stoats to control rabbits. The pests destroyed forest habitats and feasted on the birds and their eggs. More than 40 species of birds died out and many others remain threatened, including the iconic kiwi.


Two shag chicks at Zealandia

The picture at ABC sucked I went to google with 'shag chicks zealandia' and I thought I might get a rogue wave of porno coming back but the result went straight to it.  Surprising.

No idea what kind of bird a shag may be but it looks like a bird to the Rockhouse.  I guess they don't exist anywhere else so the New Zealanders are justifiably pissed with these rats.

Consider the kill volume, tho.  I think they estimated thirty million rats so maybe twenty million possums since they're smaller and maybe about thirty million stoats as well since they're not so big.

Wiping out eighty million critters is considered time-wasting sci fi by uni biologists or at least one.  It sounds like he's right but it's government policy to wipe them out and they have had some success on islands around New Zealand.

Even so, it's eighty million whacked rodents so how's your pagan soul doing with that.

Ed:  pagans don't have souls!

Sure we do but ours tell us to dance naked in the forest in the pale moonlight.

Ed:  your pagan soul tells you to do that?


Ed:  please don't!

I won't.  It'd scare the young 'uns.

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