Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Rock Stars in the Midwest

Yevette and I wound up wearing Silas World Peace Tour shirts today and that's not uncommon when there are so many of them.  That gave up some giggles at The Center where one lady remarked, "Oh, you look like twins.  That's so cute."

I get called a lotta, lotta things but I've never been called cute.  Call it evolution in action.

I really hadn't even thought about it and Lorraine, the Dietitian for Radiology, came out with Yevette and she commented right away about the twins.  Yevette talked of how she had gone to see Lorraine with another on the Caregiver squad.  I suggested to her, "And you listened while he debated?"

Big laughs.  Looks like I got that one right.

Laffs and yucks coming away from a radiation treatment.  It's getting close now with two more days to go.

There was a swell vibe today since I'm just a ball of fuckin' sunshine over there in greeting everyone with a cheerful good morning.  One lady asked how I was but I always turn that around quickly for the important thing of how are you?

She was just growing her hair back so I knew she had been to the Moon already and she said it's going to be a wonderful day.  I replied back that it definitely would and big smiles came all 'round.

A man came out of there as well and a similar thing happened except he pointed upward and said, "God has been helping me."

He looked at me for a response and I said, "No chance I will argue with you."

Big smiles.

You can tell the newbies over there since they're kind of withdrawn at first.  After a time, you pick up the vibe that every single person in there wants nothing more than for you to get better.

There was also kind of a deluge just after we got to The Center and I was kind of pleased with the timing but I didn't think the luck would last since rain was anticipated all day.  However, when we came back out of there, the Sun wasn't exactly beaming but we could see it and the rain was temporarily in abeyance.

It's because, you know, it's going to be a wonderful day.

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