Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Clarification on That Which Constitutes Attractiveness to Women

When he's young, a man needs to be buff and rich plus have a groovy pad in the San Francisco hills overlooking the Bay.

You understood that, men, by the time you were, oh, about fifteen, right?

All of us are well past that now so it provides some measure of amusement to behold the phenomenon from a distance.

For any juniors who inadvertently pass this way, why do you suppose we should find it funny.

Well, I'll tell you why.

When a man is over fifty, what determines his attractiveness to women?

All together now ...

Crowd:  he only has to be breathing

Right you are as of course you sage ol' goobers would be.

Ed:  what happened to the Coolios from the younger days?

Dunno as they don't seem to last too long.  Maybe it's the coke (shrug).

Ed:  so the Coolios croak and that means more chicks for you?  That shit is savage!

Yah and it's also real life.  Welcome to the 21st Century.

Ed:  the chickies were tootin' la coca as well

Sure but apparently not as much as the obvious evidence shows ... the chickies lasted much longer.

Ed:  what if it had been the other way around and the chiquitas were blowin' all the coke and the menfolks were being more sensible about it?

That makes for a grand vista, doesn't it.  Then at the over-fifty stage, there's a legion of unbound males but few chickies.  Should we all become Liberaces then?

Ed:  don't look now but that happened anyway.  Check out Harry Styles.

You'll be looking for a rim shot for that, I guess.

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