Thursday, January 19, 2017

Google and Acquisition of Fabric

Fabric UpdateFabric
Fabric is joining Google
When we launched Fabric in 2014, our goal was to provide the best tools to help developers create amazing apps. Since then, Fabric has evolved from a suite of tools for mobile developers to a powerful platform that helps entire teams build better apps, understand their users, and grow their business. In just two years, Fabric has grown to reach 2.5 billion active mobile devices, and Fabric's Crashlytics and Answers kits were recently recognized as the #1 SDKs for app stability and analytics. We are incredibly proud of the products we have built and grateful to this community of more than 580K passionate mobile developers.
The #1 SDKs for app stability and analytics.
Today we enter the next chapter for Fabric and are pleased to announce that we've signed an agreement for Fabric to be acquired by Google and for our team to join Google's Developer Products Group, working with the Firebase team.

It's an unusual situation when a product developed for Twitter is sold off, of all places, to Google which has lived as if Twitter doesn't even exist.  While it's relatively easy to throw your Tweets at Facebook automatically, that hasn't, as of about a year ago, been possible with Google+ so possibly this indicates a thaw of some kind although what kind isn't clear.

At the worst we have Google trying to use the software to obtain information for the government Twitter would not give them.  At the best we have a breakdown of the proprietary cloistering of the social networks and it works toward a new openness.

Or somewhere in the middle.  We don't have too much truck with fortune tellers but it's a novel event in any case.

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