Thursday, January 19, 2017

Equal Time for Men with "Joe Hill" Sung by Paul Robeson

Paul Robeson was run into the ground by the witch hunts in the previous round of McCarthyism in the Fifities.  (WIKI:  Paul Robeson)

We have seen McCarthyism lit up like a three-penny rabbit in a parade over the last years with Clinton going to the top of the clock with it.  We keep hearing about freedom but the only question is when was that exactly.  Sure as hell, Paul Robeson didn't see it since his health went to hell when McCarthy started trying to destroy him by blacklisting him, etc and that was the end of his career.

Joe Hill didn't see the freedom either since he was railroaded into a conviction for murder even when the victim's sons said he was not the one although they later changed that testimony.  He was subsequently executed for a crime he did not commit.  (WIKI:  Joe Hill)

In an article for the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason, Hill wrote: "Owing to the prominence of Mr Morrison, there had to be a 'goat' [scapegoat] and the undersigned being, as they thought, a friendless tramp, a Swede, and worst of all, an IWW, had no right to live anyway, and was therefore duly selected to be 'the goat'."


America was doing its best to kill unions a century ago but Toyota wasn't helping with it back then whereas they're all over union-busting now.

You can tell a lot about a country by how well they take care of the ones on the top and on the bottom.  The ones in the middle aren't such a consideration since they are more or less ok anywhere.  It's mildly analogous to cameras since just about any camera will take a decent picture under average conditions but only the best ones do well with extremes.

Generally the rich do about the same anywhere but the poverty of heart in America in which people are sucked into poverty and then abandoned when they succumb to it says far more about the country than how many Lambos the rich boy has accumulated.  The rich boys in Russia behave with just the same arrogance and they don't seem to get any more respect over there than the rich boys over here.

It may very well be possible to make America great but trying to do that by pulling up anything from the past is just more of the swamp fire; it can be done but not that way.

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