Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fox Gets it Dead Right on the Gift Handed Trump by BuzzFeed / CNN

Fox News has outdrawn CNN for audience share by a large margin for years and now they have just about given away the game.  I'm not shocked by Jake Tapper's Penthouse Forum charges against Trump but rather I'm disgusted.  Likely all of us thought the election has already been as sleazy as it can get and now CNN pulls this one.  (Fox: Why the BuzzFeed debacle damaged journalism and handed Trump a gift)

The furor began Tuesday when anchor Jake Tapper said the following: “A CNN exclusive. CNN has learned that the nation's top intelligence officials provided information to President-elect Donald Trump and to President Barack Obama last week about claims of Russian efforts to compromise President-elect Trump.”

- Fox

There's not a word of substantiated truth to any of that and yet Tapper is striking a pose like the Statue of Liberty.


Ed:  tabloids do that all the time!


It's got to be clear now there's just as much big money being spent to boost Trump as is being spent to trash him and the People are only bean bags they use to throw at each other in their little games.

The only clarity to this comes when Trump speaks so then we hear what he said rather than whatever some gerbil thought he said.  I'm the lifelong Democrat, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I want to hear what Trump says he will do and then I want to observe to see whether he does it.  My craw is overstuffed with what amateurish journos think he's going to do and I loathe fortune tellers.

Trump spoke clearly yesterday and did a good job of it although he avoided obvious sand traps like abortion and reefer.  He showed an excellent ability to think on his feet in front of a highly-mixed audience given the openly-combative CNN.  I'm impressed as that's specifically one of the things I did not see in Clinton.  Whenever a question came, she just answered it with a speech.

I noticed yesterday Bernie Sanders said Trump is right regarding a battle with Big Pharma.  I had written that earlier so he saw it here first, right?  (larfs)

RT:  ‘Trump is right’: Bernie Sanders hopes to make drug pricing deal with president-elect

The point is the neoliberals have opened up a giant whirlpool with CNN in the center of it.  Bernie Sanders can see it but doesn't respond because he's busy getting it done.  He's not whining endlessly on Facebook about Obamacare but rather he studies the situation.  Think, plan, react.

Sanders won't get sucked into anything and Trump certainly won't so it appears the neoliberals have created the beginnings of a gigantic sinkhole.  Soon there will be a gigantic sucking sound and they will all be gone, right along with their newfound reverence for the CIA.


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