Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trae Crowder on How Rednecks Were Taken in by a Carpetbagger like Trump

Trae Crowder is deeply-respected as one of the most eloquent speakers for the mostly-liberal thinkers.  He supported Hillary Clinton but everyone makes mistakes.

Updated:  a sequence of vignettes has been replaced by the full piece.

"That was the icing on the FUCK YOU cake"

"Don't get shot by a rodeo clown!" - Trae Crowder

Ed:  what kind of eloquence is that?

The redneck kind and there is zero lack of clarity.  A politician can spew grease for an hour and never say anything but Crowder has never done that.

I didn't have a whole lot of use for Bill Maher and I still don't.  Who knows what feeling like a minority is supposed to mean.

Note:  these are not cheapshots at Lotho.  To my knowledge, he was already aware Trump is reneging on the things he said.

As Crowder says, "You have to get past the bigotry and the racism."

There's more to it than that.  I don't know that Lotho voted for Trump and it's not my purpose to put any words into his mouth but there was a brief conversation about Trump bollixing things after he got rolling and it appeared from that he was not pleased.

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