Friday, December 2, 2016

New Elements in the Periodic Table

Maybe old is when you're not sure how many elements have been added to the Periodic Table since you first saw it in Chemistry class.  If that advisory is valid then I'm old.

That image is HD and should blow up nicely if you click on it.

There are four new elements this time and they're in the 103+ series but I'm really not sure how many have been added since some time in the sixties when I saw the table for the first time.  I have no idea if the expanded table is important to anyone who is not a chemist but it does have a swell symmetry and the colors are nice.

Since we love you and suspect you're probably already bored with this, how about some Freezer Babes.

The Freezer Babes are probably models who show us those jackets and hats but where are they.  This looks like they're on a Journey to the Center of the Earth.

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